home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- set -e
- . /lib/partman/lib/base.sh
- . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
- is_inactive_md() {
- local number
- number=$(echo "$1" | sed -n -e 's,/dev/md/\?,,p')
- if [ "$number" ] && ! grep -q "^md$number : active" /proc/mdstat; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
- }
- part_of_sataraid () {
- local raiddev
- for raiddev in $(dmraid -r -c); do
- if [ "$(readlink -f $raiddev)" = $1 ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
- }
- part_of_multipath() {
- local mpdev
- type multipath >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
- if is_multipath_part $1; then
- return 0
- fi
- # The block devices that make up the multipath:
- # Output looks like \_ 4:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 ...
- for mpdev in $(multipath -l | \
- grep '_ \([#0-9]\+:\)\{3\}[#0-9]\+ [hs]d[a-z]\+ [0-9]\+:[0-9]\+' | \
- cut -f4 -d' '); do
- if [ "$(readlink -f /dev/$mpdev)" = $1 ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
- }
- if [ ! -f /var/run/parted_server.pid ]; then
- mkdir -p /var/run
- parted_server
- RET=$?
- if [ $RET != 0 ]; then
- # TODO: How do we signal we couldn't start parted_server properly?
- exit $RET
- fi
- rm -rf /var/lib/partman/old_devices
- if [ -d $DEVICES ]; then
- mv $DEVICES /var/lib/partman/old_devices
- fi
- mkdir $DEVICES || true
- IFS="$NL"
- for partdev in $(parted_devices |
- sed 's,^/dev/\(ide\|scsi\|[hs]d\|md/\?[0-9]\+\),!/dev/\1,' |
- sort |
- sed 's,^!,,' ); do
- IFS="$TAB"
- set -- $partdev
- device=$1
- size=$2
- model=$3
- # Skip mtd devices since they aren't supported by parted
- if echo $device | grep -q '/dev/mtd'; then
- continue
- fi
- # Skip MD devices which are not active
- if [ -e /proc/mdstat ]; then
- if is_inactive_md $device; then
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # Skip devices that are part of a dmraid device
- if type dmraid >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
- dmraid -r -c >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if part_of_sataraid $device && \
- [ -f /var/lib/disk-detect/activate_dmraid ]; then
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # Skip devices that are part of a multipathed device
- if part_of_multipath $device; then
- continue
- fi
- dirname=$(echo $device | sed 's:/:=:g')
- dev=$DEVICES/$dirname
- if [ -d /var/lib/partman/old_devices/$dirname ]; then
- mv /var/lib/partman/old_devices/$dirname $dev
- else
- mkdir $dev || continue
- fi
- printf "%s" "$device" >$dev/device
- printf "%s" "$size" >$dev/size
- printf "%s" "$model" >$dev/model
- # Set the sataraid flag for dmraid arrays.
- if type dmraid >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
- dmraid -s -c >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if dmraid -sa -c | grep -q $(basename $device); then
- >$dev/sataraid
- fi
- fi
- cd $dev
- open_dialog OPEN "$(cat $dev/device)"
- read_line response
- close_dialog
- if [ "$response" = failed ]; then
- cd /
- rm -rf $dev
- fi
- done
- db_get partman/filter_mounted
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- # Get a list of active mounts in a more convenient format.
- mounts=
- while read dev mp rest; do
- [ -e "$dev" ] || continue
- mappeddev="$(mapdevfs "$dev")" || true
- if [ "$mappeddev" ]; then
- dev="$mappeddev"
- fi
- mounts="${mounts:+$mounts$NL}$dev $mp"
- done < /proc/mounts
- # For each disk, check for any active mounts on it. If the
- # only thing mounted is the installation medium and it uses
- # more or less the whole disk, then silently exclude that
- # disk; if the installation medium is mounted but doesn't
- # use the whole disk, issue a warning that partitioning may
- # be difficult; if anything else is mounted, offer to
- # unmount it.
- disks_unmount=
- parts_unmount=
- part_warn=
- for dev in $DEVICES/*; do
- [ -d "$dev" ] || continue
- cd $dev
- free=0
- parts=
- instparts=
- seen_unmounted=
- open_dialog PARTITIONS
- while { read_line num id size type fs path name; [ "$id" ]; }; do
- if [ "$fs" = free ]; then
- free="$(($free + $size))"
- continue
- fi
- mappedpath="$(mapdevfs "$path")" || true
- if [ "$mappedpath" ]; then
- path="$mappedpath"
- fi
- mp=
- IFS="$NL"
- for line in $mounts; do
- restore_ifs
- if [ "$path" = "${line%% *}" ]; then
- mp="${line#* }"
- break
- fi
- IFS="$NL"
- done
- restore_ifs
- if [ "$mp" = /cdrom ]; then
- instparts="${instparts:+$instparts }$path"
- elif [ "$mp" ]; then
- parts="${parts:+$parts }$path"
- else
- seen_unmounted=1
- fi
- done
- close_dialog
- if [ "$instparts" ]; then
- if [ -z "$seen_unmounted" ] && \
- longint_le "$free" 16777216; then
- # The installation medium uses more
- # or less the whole disk.
- open_dialog CLOSE
- close_dialog
- cd /
- rm -rf "$dev"
- else
- # There's an installation medium
- # here, but it doesn't use the whole
- # disk.
- part_warn="$instparts"
- >installation_medium
- fi
- elif [ "$parts" ]; then
- # Something other than an installation
- # medium is mounted.
- disks_unmount="${disks_unmount:+$disks_unmount }$(cat device)"
- parts_unmount="${parts_unmount:+$parts_unmount }$parts"
- fi
- done
- if [ "$disks_unmount" ]; then
- db_subst partman/unmount_active DISKS "$(echo "$disks_unmount" | sed 's/ /, /g')"
- db_fset partman/unmount_active seen false
- db_input critical partman/unmount_active || true
- db_go || exit 10
- db_get partman/unmount_active || RET=
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- umount $parts_unmount || true
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$part_warn" ]; then
- db_subst partman/installation_medium_mounted PARTITION "$part_warn"
- db_fset partman/installation_medium_mounted seen false
- db_capb align
- db_input high partman/installation_medium_mounted || true
- db_go || true
- db_capb backup align
- fi
- fi
- rm -rf /var/lib/partman/old_devices
- fi